Tuesday 5 July 2011


This CT project was all about what inspires us the most. At the beginning of term 2, Mrs Swain showed us a presentation on the topic that she finds inspiring. From here on it was our turn to display our inspiration into a format that would be easily presentable and attractive for the viewer. In addition to this we had to create a blog that would follow the steps and procedures that we took to complete this project.
From the beginning I knew what I wanted to do. Before we were introduced to this assignment I had finished reading a book called Half the Sky - How to Change the World. This book definetly inspired me to do more with women's rights and the CT project was a perfect way to get this on track. My plan was to create a movie that informed viewers of the struggles that women in developing countries, especially Africa, face on a daily basis. These included Maternal Mortality, Genital Mutilation and Rape.

I decided that the step up of my movie would go as following:
  1. Introduction to the topic.
  2. Facts on Maternal Mortality (which would astonish viewers)
  3. The 'There is hope...' section. This is where I included information on how organisations are trying to overcome this problem.
  4. The outline for steps 2 and 3 were also done for Genital Mutilation and Rape.
I accessed a lot of my information from the United Nations website. It was very useful and provided a lot of facts and statistics. I also found many of the documentaries that had been aired on UN Television, which I also used in my movie.
Women for Women International also had a very good website that explained what they were doing and where they had bases. I got a lot of information from this website as well, especially in the view from African women who are part of the programs.

The music that I chose at the beginning was from Jack Johnson. I really like this singer as his songs are melancholy and moving. It was important that the music wasn't overwhelming when there were shocking facts. For the end of the movie, in the section that talked about the ways people are trying to change these issues, I chose a song by Savage Garden. This song was powerful and motivational. It gave you that feeling of hope and determination.

From the feedback that I have gotten from peers, one thing that I could have changed is the length of some of the videos that I added. My movie goes for 8.5 mins, which can be long especially if you are not interested in the topic. This could definetly be an improvement that I would consider if I was to do a similar project.

Overall, I really enjoyed this task. It linked in our abilities for technology and something that we find interesting. It was enjoyable because the main focus was something of our choice, hence we liked it. I am really happy with the outcome of my movie.

Thank you to everyone that supported me and gave me helpful criticism and friendly feedback :)

Sunday 19 June 2011

How to find my movie!

Hi everyone,
I have created a YouTube account and have uploaded my movie. Below is the URL that will take you to my project. I originally planned to upload the movie straight onto my blog, however, I had quite a few difficulties doing this. I hope that this method works. Fingers crossed :)


Take a look and give me some feedback.

Wednesday 15 June 2011


I was hoping to upload all the youtube videos that have inspired me, however I will not allow me to do so. As I don't have the link at hands this isn't an option either.
If you watch my movie you will see what I have seen - Courage, Hope, Faith, Strength and Admiralty.

Founder of Women for Women International

It's been a long process!

Creating my movie has been a lot of fun, however it has taken many hours to complete it. I have learnt a lot about the work of aid organisations that are working for a better future for women. I have also found some of the stories from women very overwhelming and eye-opening.
I will be blogging the videos from UNICEF that have provided many facts, figures and real life accounts the experiences of women all over Africa.

Sunday 8 May 2011


To raise awareness I am going to make a movie. This will incorporate images, quotes and short clips that I have found through youtube. Over the following weeks I will accumulating the material and post them on the blog with their sources.

Wednesday 4 May 2011

Meet Prudence

Mothers may die giving birth from various complications, from eclampsia to sepsis. But behind the medical explanations, there are more critical sociological and biological ones, as Prudence Lemokouno and her family found out in Cameroon. A mother of three children at 24 years old, Prudence went into labor with her fourth, when an untrained birth attendant sat on Prudence’s stomach and jumped up and down and ruptured her uterus. The impoverished family paid a motorcyclist to take Prudence to the hospital, only to find out that they needed $100 for a caesarean that would save both lives. Unlike many other women, Prudence had a husband who cared dearly for her and did not want his wife and unborn child to pass away. However, $100 is unaffordable for Prudence's family, there only option was to sell their possessions. This was a risk they were willing to take. Meanwhile, Prudence was still at the hospital, slowing fading away. As many doctors there are who are willing to perform this surgery without outright payment, many refuse to do so. They are unwilling to use the supplies and are more concerned for their own profit. The families return to the hospital was not a joyous one. Not having raised the correct amount of money they were left in despair watching a wife, daughter and mother deteriorating with her unborn child. 

Prudence Lemokouno and her child's death could have been prevented. It is normal for these families to have birth at home. It is normal for a village healer to deliver the baby. 


It is not normal for a untrained birth attendant to jump up and down on a pregnant woman's stomach. We know this. We understand that there are people who specialise in this area, who are aware of the precautions that they must take and the risks that accompany this phenomena. It is through education that we know this. It is through education the these midwifes are exceptional at what they do.