Sunday, 19 June 2011

How to find my movie!

Hi everyone,
I have created a YouTube account and have uploaded my movie. Below is the URL that will take you to my project. I originally planned to upload the movie straight onto my blog, however, I had quite a few difficulties doing this. I hope that this method works. Fingers crossed :)

Take a look and give me some feedback.

Wednesday, 15 June 2011


I was hoping to upload all the youtube videos that have inspired me, however I will not allow me to do so. As I don't have the link at hands this isn't an option either.
If you watch my movie you will see what I have seen - Courage, Hope, Faith, Strength and Admiralty.

Founder of Women for Women International

It's been a long process!

Creating my movie has been a lot of fun, however it has taken many hours to complete it. I have learnt a lot about the work of aid organisations that are working for a better future for women. I have also found some of the stories from women very overwhelming and eye-opening.
I will be blogging the videos from UNICEF that have provided many facts, figures and real life accounts the experiences of women all over Africa.